Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013

Paris, The City of Love

Paris, The City of Love ♥

HEY! l0ls. like the picture on the left? I find it rather nice. Sigh... Eiffel Tower... Located @ Paris, The City of Love, isn't it romantic? ha ha. Wish i can have my honeymoon there. Wait. Didn't i said i would NVR get married? ha ha. So contradicting. well, we'll just have to wait && see about it. (: make a "bet" with Athena && Pam yesterday, 12 yrs from now, the most successful person wins. (: hope its me! ha ha. i mean who dun hope its themselves? l0ls. Nth much, yesterday is Geography && CL exam, like i mention MANY times, I dun take geography, so ended up studying with Pam in the canteen, but chat awhile with Han Jing , Christel && Aloysius too (: Aloysius reminds me of someone from 2e2 last yr... mmm... not a very good memory but definitely unforgettable... Thn we had awhile of A Maths lesson where me && Pam played a NEW version of tit-tat-toe. l0ls. damn fun. also taught Athena && Wei Jie some maths. Nth much during lessons, oh, got back my open-book e maths test. Full marks! Not bad... then we had CL test after school, not tat difficult but the first sections was rather tough. think i might fail that section, the rest should be still alright(: mmm... thn after school, supposedly should be stay back studying with Wei Jie && Pam, but ended up chatting and talking some stupid stuff like why go bowen and stuff, oh , forgot to mention, Pam && Wei Jie are from the same Primary school too but nvr talk till today == i bet this yr Pam && Wei Jie wouldn't talk either if it wasn't for me :P ha ha. Mmm... that's all for yesterday. now for today.
Got E maths && Biology test, think i'm gonna do badly for E-maths && flunk biology? i mean, bio was like damn difficult!!! Those that i spent so much time studying also nvr come out! Ughs... so stupid! l0ls. E -maths the 3rd last question i sure wrong le la! Zzz... 4 marks gone, so stupid... Tomorrow got A - Maths && Chemistry. Hope i dun flunk those 2 too... Anyway, today e-maths exam finish , later still got e-maths tuition == thn tmr morning a-maths test finish, afternoon got a-maths test == all timing also dun match one... Zzz... == Still haven't study for tmr's Chemistry test, think i'm gonna study now, later go tuition come back should be rather late... kk, got to go. Toodles~

Folow My Twitter : @Shany_Gamer

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